You are welcome to access and use the FileExtract service to confirm your agreement and to the terms and conditions contained in the Terms of Service outlined below. These terms apply to the entire site. This service is operated by FoxPDF Ltd ( foxpdf.com ) (USA). We may at any time choose to correct or modify these Terms of Use. If there is a change, we will clearly indicate such changes and the date of modification at the top of this page.
First, use our services to not do bad things and use our services to do bad things. The online conversion service provides the ability to convert and modify files in different file formats. This service is available through the web interface and mobile apps. You agree to abide by the policies and restrictions regarding the use of the OnlineConvert service, the maximum number and size of files that users can upload through the service. You agree to our service policy.
By purchasing a prepaid package, you can extend the allowed usage of the service (conversion minutes and total files). All payments are one-time prepayment and are non-refundable. We will activate the purchased package in your account as soon as we receive your payment. As long as you do not terminate your account, the conversion minutes and total amount of the package will not expire.
Monthly payment. Unused conversion minutes and total file size will expire. Subscriptions add monthly credits to your account. Unused points will expire at the end of the billing period. All payments are non-refundable. We will activate the subscription in your account as soon as we receive your payment and will renew it within one month of your payment. You can unsubscribe at any time on the OnlineConvert website, which will take effect at the end of the billing cycle. You can change your subscription to another plan at any time, but the remaining points for the current billing cycle will expire.
We guarantee 99% uptime. If we fail, you will take back your money. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to make each service available with a percentage of uptime of at least 99% per month. The percentage of monthly uptime is calculated by subtracting the percentage of minutes in the month in which the service is unavailable from 100%. If OnlineConvert does not meet this availability, you will be eligible for a refund.
In order to receive a refund, you must submit a statement with at least the following information:
You want to indicate a detailed description and URL for the service not available or error
The date and time of each unavailable service you declare
You are not eligible for a refund below:
1: Any published maintenance results (maintenance period is posted on the Service Status page).
2: It is caused by a corrupted or incompatible request or file that you provided.
3: It is caused by an input file that is not supported. You can use the free version of OnlineConvert to check for support for specific files.
4: It is caused by the conversion type and is marked as 'test'.
5: It is caused by factors beyond our reasonable control, including any issues related to force majeure events or Internet access.
We will not back up and keep a copy of your files for data protection reasons. Although we try to ensure that the service is error free, we cannot guarantee that your files will not be damaged, deleted or lost. You acknowledge that you have a copy of all the files and we are not responsible for any failures caused by the process you uploaded.
We are important to privacy. Terms of Service include a privacy policy
Our services and intellectual property rights may not be used in any form of infringement. You are the only data responsible for sending to the OnlineConvert service. OnlineConvert does not monitor customer content.
Open Unzip
Kiitos FileExtract-tiimille, se voi purkaa ja purkaa erilaisia pakattuja tiedostoja verkossa. Tämä työkalu on todella luova ja helppokäyttöinen. Ystävät, jotka haluavat purkaa tiedostot verkossa, eivät saa missata sitä!
Miksi käyttää FileExtractia?
Latausta tai asennusta ei vaadita: Sinun tarvitsee vain käydä FileExtract-verkkosivustolla aloittaaksesi
Suojaa tiedostosi
Kun olet ladannut tiedostosi, järjestelmä poistaa sen automaattisesti 24 tunnin kuluttua. Joten voit käyttää sitä turvallisesti.
Tehokas tiedosto UNZIP
Pura automaattisesti eri pakatut tiedostot. Voit esikatsella ja tarkastella erilaisia pakattuja tiedostoja
Lataa purettu tiedosto
Napsauta nähdäksesi tiedoston ja ladataksesi puretun tiedoston. Voit pakata ja ladata useita tiedostoja samanaikaisesti.
Mitä FileExtract tekee?
Pura ZIP-, RAR-, TAR-, 7Z- ja monet muut tiedostomuodot helposti kätevällä online-tiedostojen purkuohjelmallamme – täysin ilmainen ja helppokäyttöinen! Kun tiedosto on ladattu, se poistetaan automaattisesti 24 tunnin kuluttua turvallisuuden parantamiseksi, mikä mahdollistaa eri tiedostomuotojen turvallisen purkamisen ja pakattujen tiedostojen esikatselun ja tarkastelun. Napsauta vain katsellaksesi ja ladataksesi purettuja tiedostoja, jopa pakkaamalla ja lataamalla useita tiedostoja samanaikaisesti.